
Global Solutions and its subsidiaries have been in voice over IP business since 1999. We are interconnected with most tier-1 local and international carriers in the world, specially in North America, Europe and Middle East.

GSXIP customers range from small and medium enterprises to calling cards and nation wide operators. GSXIP is a leading solution provider to business customers and international service providers.

Our VoIP services are behind many successful ITSPs, calling card and carrier customers. Those customers also rely on us to provide them with high quality interconnections in different parts of the world. We leverage both our internal technical expertise and our strategic partnerships to provide our clients with the best overall services to meet their unique requirements. Providing direct connections and high quality are our highest priority.

GSXIP's management has been at the bleeding edge of technology since 1995 and has the experience and resources to offer you the benefits of today's technology without risk.

How to connect with us:

We have three simple steps to interconnect. Each step will be negoatiated, agreed and signed by both sides.

1. Signing NDA
First order of business is signing a confidentiality agreement. Privacy is very important to us and your information (and ours) should be protected by both sides. Our NDA ensures the mutual agreement about the confidentiality of all future agreements.

2. Negotiations and Contract
Negotiating terms, conditions, areas of interest and business due diligence helps us understand your requirements, areas of strength and how we can work with each other on a long term basis. It also sets expectations of both sides from beginning. This step may include checking trade references and past performances.

3. Interconnection and Testing
After signing contracts, we can move to interconnection and testing phase. At this point we can test our connection, check quality and statistics to make sure we are completely compatible. We need to compare our sample billing records to minimize the possibility of future disputes.

If you are interested to connect and work with us, please contact: to start a new business today!